SEO is one of the standalone techniques that let your website rank from scratch to the top rankings of the search engines. If you are not familiar with this technique or are looking for more information on SEO, then you are in the right place. We are going to discuss how to do SEO on WordPress with complete details. And you won’t have to face the situation where you’ll get half of the information and the rest of the half would be left with an advertisement to promote one of the AEO Companies. So, you can be absolutely sure about that.
So, for the beginners, we are going to start with what SEO on WordPress actually is. If you are aware of the basic knowledge of SEO, you might want to skip this section and get
SEO on WordPress:
SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a strategy through which your website is optimized for the search engine. This is done to let the search engines search your website and show it on the top of every query that matches your domain or niche. You are basically finding the ways through which you can get through the algorithms used by the search engines. If you need to know more about SEO, you can find information in this article.
Once you have the complete knowledge regarding the importance and purpose of SEO, then it is the time to know how to implement it on your website. One important thing that you must note here is that the things that I am going to discuss here are for the SEO for WordPress themes only. If you have made your website on another platform, then you can only grab the gist of SEO but the step-by-step guide won’t be of much importance to you.
Factors important for WordPress SEO:
There are multiple factors that you must consider while answering
On-Page SEO:
On-Page strategy refers to the strategy that you need to have on your web page to influence the algorithms of the search engines whether it is Google, Bing or any other search engine, to rank your page. How can it be managed? For that, let’s review the factors impacting the on-page SEO of any WordPress page below:
Title Tags:
The title tag is the topic of your post on WordPress. For efficient optimization, you need to include your keyword in the title. It is not essential that you must choose the keyword as the title only. You can definitely give it a form, which would be appealing to the audience too. This will help you in satisfying the search engine and your audience. Using questions or phrases that would intrigue the interest of the readers can become the title tag for your post.
Don’t forget that there is an optimal length of the title that can help you generate the best results from your content. So keep your title limited to that length.
SEO friendly URLs:
Going for the default URLs for your every new post is not a good idea when it comes to SEO. You must be thinking that why would it affect SEO? But it would. Because the search engine cannot understand what is the post or uploaded items about. You’ll have to fill in every opportunity where you can guide the algorithm that the content that is being uploaded is about the keyword “A” or “B” etc.
Using the words “a”, “the” “and” is not appropriate for your title. They are the stop words and can lower the efficiency that you are looking for through your content. If you need to know more about the Stop words and the way, it hinders the optimization in this article.
Modify your keywords:
If your keyword is “SEO for WordPress”, then using it again and again would result in the stuffing of keywords problem for the search engine and your audience will probably know that your article is to please the search engine, not to inform the users. So, for that you need to modify their original keyword in a way that you’ll get the main purpose through it but won’t make others believe that you have to do this. In such a situation, adding words like “best”, “how to”, “2019 (year)” can prove quite helpful. Additionally, changing the keyword with a synonym would be appropriate too. But the synonyms must not be directly used in the titles. They can be used in the content rather they must be. This strategy is known as using long tail keywords.
Use heading Tags:
Adding H tags for your content is important to let the search engines and users a better feeling while accessing your page. You must have heard it a lot of time that using headings in your exams or notes can improve the readability and makes it easy for the reader to go through what you have written. The H tags serve the same purpose for your content. From, the point of view of search engines, these heading tags help in structuring the website and making the crawling and indexing process easier for the spiders.
There are subcategories of H tags. The H1 tags are only used once for the main heading. The H2 tags can be used for 3-4 subheadings that you use in particular article. For H3 tags, you can use them for further segregation of the content into different sections. With proper usage of H tags, you can increase the chances to reach the first page of the search engine by 83%, which is actually huge.
Use of Multimedia:
It is important that use images or videos on your web
Responsiveness of the website:
Consider a website where you have to spend a lot of time to wait for the page for loading. You’ll probably not stay there and return to the main page of search engine. So, what’s the purpose of creating such a website where the audience would not be able to gain any information? You must ensure that your website is responsive and has a very low
Use of outbound links and internal links:
The use of outbound links and the internal links can be important in pointing towards the credibility of the content that is the part of your website. The outbound links refer to the links with the other website of your content. The blue text that you can see in this article is the example of the outbound links used. For internal links, you must visit Wikipedia. Wikipedia provides its users with a connection from one page of theirs to the other one, which is known as internal links.
Image Optimization is important:
If you are using any sort of multimedia files especially the images in your article, then you must name the image file according to the keyword being used. Moreover, the addition of alt tags is important in WordPress to provide the search engine with a way to identify the picture and its content. You’ll have to remember that the search engine does not read or understand content, so the similarity of words and the repetition of keywords actual help the search engines to find what the image is about. So, this is another important aspect of how to do SEO on WordPress that you can’t ignore.
Social Media Linkages
Long content:
400 words are the minimum length that you can expect a search engine
In the quest of the creation of long content, one thing, that you must not forget is that the relevancy and credibility of the content have to be there. Without it, you won’t be able to generate the maximum benefits.
Yoast SEO:
Step-by-Step guide:
There is a step-by-step guide for allowing you to manage WordPress and SEO settings:
Visibility must be enabled:
Once you have selected the theme of your website and added a few posts, you must ensure that your website is visible for the audience. WordPress requires you to enable the website to be searched by the audience manually. For
After downloading and installing the plugin, you’ll need to adjust the settings of the Yoast SEO. The step-by-step guide for implementing SEO through Yoast has been discussed below.
Manage your permalinks:
The next step that you must ensure for enabling better working of WordPress is to manage the permalinks. In the settings, under the Permalink tab, you need to select the way through which you want your permalinks to be established. Selecting the “post name”, would benefit you a lot. Because the name of the post will include the keyword in your permalink, which would be better for SEO.
Tags and categories:
You will need to create categories for your
Time for SEO plugin:
As discussed earlier, SEO has the most important role in ranking the website. So at this
Manage your articles through it:
Once you have installed the plugin for SEO, you don’t need to worry anymore. A complete readability analysis of your content will be presented to you at the bottom of your article. And you can make the adjustments in your content to make it friendly for the audience.
How to do SEO on WordPress is not an easy task at all. You need to put in effort in optimizing your content regularly. However, all the on-page SEO techniques discussed have been highlighted properly in this article and you can review them to optimize your own website.