Blogging is one of the lucrative career options that can not only give you money but can also be a source of fame as well. Initially, while diving into blogging, you might not have such career aims, but as soon as your writings would be liked and accepted by masses, you’ll definitely want the fame. But the best part is in most cases, you don’t have to do anything extra for this fame. The only thing you need to do is focus on your blog. So, this leaves you with only one main question, “How to blog”.

We have set up this special guide especially for people who are new and aren’t sure where to start. For them we are going to highlight everything, starting from prerequisites of blogging to the monetization of the blog. Additionally, we would be discussing some dos and don’ts of blogging in detail too. Our aim is that after reading this article, you should be able to start your own blog right away.

With all these objectives in mind, let us start our article with an introduction about blogging.

What is a blog?

A blog can be understood by comparing it with a physical journal or a diary. In a journal, you write about a specific topic, say, your daily routine and you keep on adding it, usually with a set frequency. Managing all this online is known as a blog.

With this definition of a blog, two main characteristics have been identified. These include the writings on a specific topic and constant updates.

a. Specific Topic:

In order to start your blog, you should choose a particular topic. You can’t write about travel, motivation, and health together in a single blog. There must be a specific niche (what we call in the online world) to write on.

b. Constant updates:

Another important characteristic of a blog is that it Is not written all at once rather it consists of different posts, which are updated either on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The frequency depends upon the writer of the blog and other technical aspects such as SEO. In simple words, you don’t write different blogs daily; rather you write different posts for a single blog.

You’ll have to make sure that the basics of blogging are clear so that we can move on to the next topic of discussing some of the reasons for starting a blog.

Reasons for starting a blog:

There can be multiple reasons for starting a blog. We are sure that you’ll find yours’ on this list too.

a. Earning money:

This is the most important reason for initiating a blog. You can use the blog traffic to make your earnings. Again, there can be multiple ways through which the traffic on your blog can help. We will discuss these earning methods towards the end of the article. For now, you can rely on earning money to be the reason for starting the blog.

b. Establishing a reputation or fame:

The establishment of reputation or fame in the audience could be one of the reasons for string a blog. This is possible when you have a unique story to share or unprecedented level of expertise in some field. By writing on such a topic, you can easily gather the attention of the audience and get famous.

c. Providing information:

Another reason for starting a blog could be the provision of information to the audience regarding a product, service or a company. This is mostly the case of the corporate blog where the companies help the customers in finding the answers to their questions and learn more about the usage of the products and services provided by the company.

d. Venting yourself out:

Sometimes, people just want to vent out without having any other reason in mind. So, writing can provide them with the opportunity and blog can be an effective medium for this.

Prerequisites of planning a blog:

If you are serious about starting a blog, then you must analyze a few things. The list is mentioned below:

a. Passion:

Writing posts or starting a blog is not a one-time job. You’ll have to update it constantly before it would reveal some monetary rewards for you. So, you must be passionate about it or you’ll lose all your effort.

b. Niche:

Niche is a specific area on which you are going to write. If you don’t have anything in mind, you can find one by searching online. The trending topics and the interest of people would give you a vague idea about your niche.

c. Be an expert:

You’ll have to be an expert in the field on which you are writing. Why would you think that others would read your posts or come to your blog, if you aren’t providing them the right and in-depth details about the topic? Moreover, there is a lot of competition in the industry and for every topic, there would be some experts running a blog already. So, if you aren’t an expert in some field, the chances of success get lower. This is not to demotivate you from blogging but just to provide you with the importance of selecting a niche based on your expertise level.

In case you are not an expert in a field, you can hire an expert or choose a niche more relevant to your skillset. Telling your own life story can be a good blog topic, so it is not about what you choose. Whatever you choose must be in-depth, amusing, and informative for the reader.

d. Writing skills:

You won’t find many of the experts talking about this skill when discussing the blog writing but we feel that as a beginner’s guide it is important to discuss it as well. Writing skills are going to be the main focus of starting a blog. Your writing will have to be “Grammarly sane” for the blog. There are a few reasons associated with such a claim. Firstly, your audience would not understand you clearly with a lot of grammar mistakes or typos in your writing. This will lead to a higher bounce rate. Secondly, it will create a negative impact on SEO as well, creating problems for you to rank your blog. Thus, effective writing skills are much needed for a blog.

How to start a blog?

This is definitely the most awaited section for this article. So, let’s start it.

1. Choose a niche:

The first step that you are expected to follow for creating a blog of your own is to choose a niche. For that, you’ll have to choose one of the reasons for starting the blog that we have indicated above. If it is to vent out or to provide information, then your niche is already chosen, you just need to refine it.

But in the case where your aim is to earn money or establish a reputation in the target audience, then you’ll have to choose a niche. The choice of a profitable niche can be dependent on the following factors:

a. Hobbies:

If some activity like gardening is your hobby, you can easily start a blog on that and guide your audience about the gardening techniques, do and don’ts and other such factors. For you it doesn’t have to be gardening particularly but any other activity that you believe is your hobby and you can share your knowledge with others, you can consider it a niche.

b. Experiences:

Sometimes your life experiences could be diverse and you would like to share your opinion on them and the ways to tackle the situation in a blog. So, you can definitely do that.

c. Profitability:

The last but not the least, profitability factor can also play an important factor in choosing the niche of your blog. You can utilize the online tools to search for the keywords and topics that are trendy and are searched by millions of users only. This search would be able you help you in reaching a particular niche that you can utilize for your blog.

Although, the main thing that you should choose is the selection of niche. But in reality, a niche is quite broad and as a startup, your aim should be to limit the competition. Thus, choosing a micro-niche or sub-niche can actually solve this problem and you can get the targeted audience for your website while limiting the competition as well.

2. Choose the name of the blog:

Once you are done with the selection of niche, you need to find a name for your blog. The name needs to be attractive and SEO friendly at the same time. You can simply consider it to be a word or phrase that would define your entire blog. So, you can be choosy about it.

Some things that you should consider while choosing the name are:SEO:

For SEO, the name of your blog or technically known as a domain name is very important. You have three options while choosing the name. You can either choose the exact match domain, or partial match domain or simply go for a brand name. We’ll discuss each of them in a minute. Each of them can have their own pros and cons but you’ll have to make your decision now as changing the name of your blog later can be an option (advanced expertise required) but is not suggested.

Exact match domain:

The niche and the specific keyword that you have chosen is the part of your domain name. For example, if you are creating a blog on food, getting the domain name as would be the exact match domain name.

Partial match domain name:

In this kind, a partial match of the keywords is the part of the domain name. For example, a website on SEO marketing with a domain of In this, only partial use of keyword is there.

Brand name:

You might not want to add any of the keywords for your domain name and base the name on something else, maybe your own name. This would be the brand name domain.

Which one is the best?

There are a few pieces of evidence that the partial domain name is better than the exact word domain name after the recent updates of Google. But in case you need to develop your brand, then you’ll have to go with a brand name. It would not help in SEO directly, especially in the early stage but after the establishment of a reputation, you can get a higher domain authority for your blog. Note: domain authority is the credibility of the website. But you don’t need to know much about it now.

3. Register your domain:

In order to make your blog live, you’ll have to register your domain name. You can choose the online forums for checking the availability of the domain name and purchase it if available. But you won’t be successful every time when it comes to the availability of a particular domain name. So while thinking name, keep a few substitutes in hand as well. Additionally, you can also change the extension as well and you might get the name that you desire.

4. Get a hosting:

The next thing you need to do is to get hosting for your blog. There are two major options that you have here. The first one is to get the hosting space from the pre-hosted forums or as a second option you get your own hosting.

a. Pre host forums:

If you are not willing to spend any of your money for hosting purpose, then you can use the pre-hosted forums where everything is available and you just need to sign up and start blogging.

BlogSpot is one such forum that facilitates you in this regard. The pros and cons of pre-hosted forums are mentioned below:


The pros of using these forums include:

  • Availability of templates to set up the entire blog
  • Completion of setting up process in minutes
  • AdSense can be activated on our account automatically
  • You don’t need to pay anything if you are going to keep the extension of the forum name


Following cons can be the part of pre-host forums:

  • Changing the blog on these forums according to your needs is not possible.
  • Overall, you’ll have limited control on your website
  • No support for customers is there
  • Lack of product versatility is not there and you’ll have to stick to the traditional features that it provides
  • Lack of regular updates as in the case of the content management system

b. Self-hosted platform:

The other hosting option that you can choose is to host the website on your own platform. For that, you can contact the online server websites and they’ll provide you with different hosting packages. As a startup, the basic package for your website would suffice but with the growth in traffic, you’ll need a strong server and thus a better plan.


Below are the pros of using a self-hosted platform:

  • You’ll be in better control of your website
  • High customization would be possible
  • Availability of customer support is a plus
  • Regular updates


  • You’ll need to manage everything yourself

In case you plan to choose forums like BlogSpot, then you are good to go and won’t need to create your website. But if you need to host your own website, then Word Press is the best content management system that would require your own hosting. This is again the choice that you are going to make, depending upon your needs and the availability of resources. Once you have decided this aspect, then UT is the time to move to the next step.

4. Install WordPress:

The users of pre-hosted forums would not require doing this step, as they are not going to use it. So, this step only needs to be done by the users who are aiming for a website on a self-host basis. If selected properly, your hosting would provide you with a one-step Wordpress installation integrated into the package. So, you’ll have to click the button and the installation process would start. It might take a few minutes to install. After that, you can get access to the dashboard of your newly created blog.

5. Customize your theme:

The theme is the overall outlook of your blog. For the people who have chosen BlogSpot or other such forums for writing, they’ll be directed to the themes page on Sign up. The theme page has a few themes that can be used just by selecting them. Further modification in the theme is not supported, so you’ll have to rely on what you get.

For the people who have chosen WordPress to build their blog, they can enhance the outlook by changing every part of the visible screen. A variety of free themes is provided by WordPress to use. Similarly, various paid themes are also available in the library to choose from. Selecting one of the themes and then customizing it further can help you in getting the desired outlook. In order to access all these options, search for “Themes”, your screen will show you a lot of themes. Make your selection from the collection.

After downloading the theme, you’ll have to install it and you’ll be able to customize it further. Adding a new theme from other sources is also possible, by click on the “Add new” option.

WordPress also allows you to build your own website by using the blocks. So, you are no longer dependent on the themes for customization. With such high customizability, you can easily build your brand and get the attention of the visitors.

6. Create important pages:

After setting up the theme for your blog, you should create important pages like “Home”, “About” and “Contact” pages. These pages will help your audience in knowing you in a better way. By establishing these pages, you’ll be showing them why you started this blog, how can they reach you and most importantly who are you.

It is definitely your choice to choose the information that you wish to share with your audience and depending on those parameters, you should create these specific pages. Over time, you might want to add these pages depending upon the needs (affiliate description etc.). We are going to highlight one such scenario later in this article.

7. Write a blog post:

When you are done setting up the blog, the next thing is to write a post. Although, all the processes up till now were crucial, this process is the most important. Writing is actually going to help you accomplish the reasons for which you have started the blog. Whether it is earning money or letting others know about your story, you can only get the benefits through writing. So, give this step of the entire process the ultimate importance.

This is why we are targeting every aspect of writing in association with your blog post in this section.

How to write a blog post?

By now, we believe that you’ll have gone through the prerequisites of writing and would have those skills. So, we’ll directly start with this action.

a. Select the topic:

The first thing you need to do is to select the topic. The topic must be relevant to the niche you have selected. It would be better if you come up with topics that would be interesting and would encourage the readers to go through the content. A good list of topics on your website can also lead the audience to spend more time on your blog. This is why you must give high importance to it.

b. Find keywords:

In order to search for something specific, your audience would write a particular search phrase in the search bar. This is usually the same for everyone who is searching online for that particular topic and these words are known as keywords. In order to ensure that you would get the traffic for a particular search query, you should use those keywords in the article.

Some of the things that you must consider while writing keywords based article include keyword is important for search engine but it does not mean that you can use the keyword without any relevancy and the search engine would pick it up. Don’t ever try to do that as you can be penalized for misleading the search engine. Additionally, the quality of content is important. You’ll have to add keywords in high quality content, so that your first priority would be to satisfy the audience and the search engine requirements would be fulfilled on their own.

Moreover, keyword density is quite important according to the new algorithms of the search engines. You can’t add keywords in every line of your writing. This will be marked as spam immediately.

So, the best piece of advice that we can give you here is to use keywords according to your topic but with a natural approach. It will help you in meeting the needs of the audience and the search engine both.

c. How to find keywords?

In order to find keywords, you’ll have to install a few extensions on your browser or get help from the paid tools available online. These tools will help you in determining the search volume of a particular word, the competition for that word along with the suggestions of relevant words that can be used in your article. As a startup, you must target keywords with mediocre search volume and low competition but as soon as you’ll grow, you can switch to high volume and even high competition keywords too.

d. Target your audience:

The content that you are writing for your blog must be for a specific audience. As up till now, we believe that you are targeting a niche audience, so your content should be for that niche too. For example, if you are writing on yoga for females, you don’t have to discuss yoga for males or kids etc. This is because you won’t remain relevant to the audience and as a result, your viewership can reduce.

Moreover, the audience won’t be able to connect with your content in such a situation and as a result, the bounce rate of your website would increase.

e. Use sub headings:

The use of subheadings in the content is again another factor that would improve the readability. People tend to have a greater focus on the content with separate sections in it. The subheadings are also important for the readers who need to skim your content and find something particular. The more ease you’ll create for the users, the more the chances would be for the revisit.

f. Divide it into paragraphs:

Apart from using headings and subheadings, it is important to divide the content into paragraphs as well. Three to four lines are enough in a paragraph for retaining the attention of the readers. Additionally, the optimal structure of a paragraph requires you to introduce a sentence, support it with evidence and then concludes, thus justifying the 3-4 lines limit.

You can include more than one paragraph in your headings, if you want to. There is no problem in it rather this is how you should continue your writing.

g. Long Articles:

If you are thinking about the optimal length of the article, then there is no hard and fast rule for the word count of each article. You may start with the content of 500 words but over the time, you must go for long articles as they would help in building more credibility of your website with the search engines and at the same time, it will provide information that is more detailed to the users.

7 Cs of writing:

While writing an article for the blog, you need to take care of various things so that the quality of your writing is unbeatable. In the English language, 7 Cs model is used for the discussion over the perquisites of effective communication. We are summarizing each of them in detail, in this section.


7 Cs are the factors that must be taken care of in any communication to make sure that the message sent ids properly understood in the way it was meant to be understood. These 7 factors are:

a. Clarity:

Firstly, the message used in communication must be clear. Ambiguity in the message or propagation of more than one idea in a message leads to a reduction in clarity and as a result, the receiver of the message does not understand it properly, arising miscommunication.

Thus, you need to make sure that the message you deliver to your audience is clear. For that, make sure to write one sentence with only a single goal in it. Don’t try to mingle up two or three things at once.

b. Correctness:

The message being delivered from the sender to the receiver must be factually correct. It creates a strong impact on the receiver. Secondly, the message must be grammatically correct too as it improves the chances of understanding the message.

It is advised that you must research the topic well before writing on it as it is going to ensure that there is nothing wrong in the information being shared.

c. Completeness:

The third factor responsible for effective communication is completeness. The message that you are writing for a specific audience must be complete. Leaving loopholes as discussing the partial information and hiding the rest is not going to create an impact on the receiver.

In order to practice, “completeness” in writing your content, you must see from the perspective of the receiver. If you were the receiver of the same message, would such information have been sufficient for you. If yes, then you should continue as it is. But if no, then it is better to add the information and make it complete.

d. Concreteness:

Concreteness refers to the strength of the message. The point being discussed must be backed by proper facts and argument so that the message is not subject any sort of misinterpretation at any level.

For example, while discussing the effectiveness of yoga for women, the studies conducted in this regard must be made the part of the writing. So, the readers would know that it has a proven record.

e. Conciseness:

As opposed to what we have mentioned above, conciseness is the key to effective communication. But when you’ll go through the description of this factor, you’ll get to know the difference in what we said earlier and what we are sating here in this section.

Conciseness is the use of minimum possible words to explain a point. There must be no fluff ad no irrelevant information as a part of the message. Concise content is easier to read and grabs more attention of the receiver in opposition to the fluffed content. There is no doubt it and this is why conciseness is the part of the effective communication model.

However, when we ask you to write longer content we don’t mean to fluff it in any sense. We want you to write content, which is concise, but covers things holistically, so that your readers won’t have to go to other pages in search of the information that they want.

We hope it is a bit clearer now. In case of any confusion, kindly get in touch through the comments section, and we’ll try to solve your queries.

f. Consideration:

Telling others keeping in view your perspective is never a successful approach. A person with a medical background would take SCM (sternocleidomastoid) differently and a person with a business background (supply chain management) would take it differently. So, you can’t just say things without considering the perspective, mindset, and background of others into account. If you are going to do so, your communication is going to end in sending the wrong message.

This is one of the reasons that we have focused on targeting your audience. But in cases where your audience is diverse or you aren’t very sure about them, then clarifying the meaning of complex or subject specific terms would be a better way to share your ideas rather than letting them assume the things on their own.

g. Courteous:

Courtesy is the key to effective communication. You can’t abuse someone or share a biased perspective and still expect the others to listen to your point of view and understand it in the same way in which you wish to deliver. You’ll have to be courteous and considerate while writing your message.

Even the same perspective or mindset can be communicated to others in a better tone and more respect. Thus, you must consider it while sharing your opinion in the articles you write.

Should you write or hire someone for writing?

If you are thinking that you have the tendency to communicate via writing medium, then you must definitely write the articles. But in case you don’t have much grip on the writing form of communication, then it would be better to get help from professional writers, as you won’t like your website ranking to go down because of the lack of content quality.

In case of personal account or blogs on personal stories, you can share the details of your events and life with the professional writer and let them write for you in a practical way. While using help from the others, it would be highly ethical, if you give them the due credit.

Once your website will grow, you’ll be requiring more pieces of content. So, in such a situation, you can employ a team of writers and editors who can handle the content section for you while you handle other things related to your blog.

8. Proofread:

Once you are done with writing, it is the time to proofread. Although this might seem one of the most obvious tasks, in most cases people don’t tend to give high importance to it. Problems in grammar and spelling can be there in a draft and unless you read it once, you won’t be able to find them. Moreover, there could be some lines or concepts that would require further clarity but without a second reading, identifying such points of your article is nearly impossible.

This is why for all of you out there it is advised that read your articles at least twice after finishing it. It will result in better writing altogether and as a result, you’ll be able to build a stronger reputation in the minds of the consumers.

9. Publish:

When you are sure that the content that you have written is up to the mark and you are ready for the others to see it, then it is the time to publish your content. On WordPress, you’ll find the publish button in the upper left corner. By clicking on that button, you’ll make your content live and accessible for others.

Similarly, on BlogSpot, you’ll find the publish button available to you, clicking that would actually publish your content and others would be able to see it.

10. Take care of SEO:

If we would have been discussing simple blogging, then this would have been the end of this article, but as stated in the introduction, we are discussing blogging in the context of how to make money with a blog. So, there is more to it. You’ll have to learn the basics of SEO as well. SEO is definitely a separate field but as most of it is related to the content part. This is why we are inclined to provide you with some of the basics. This will help you in optimizing the content of your articles accordingly, leading to an automatic impact on the ranking. However, we should bring it to your notice here that the SEO techniques that we are discussing are just the basics of on-page SEO. Off-page SEO and technical SEO are the other types of SEO and are essential for ranking.

For now, let’s learn the basics of on-page SEO:

a. Keywords are important:

As highlighted above, keywords are important for on-page SEO. This is why your content should have an adequate quantity of relevant keywords.

b. Use relevant images

Writing content for your blog without images is going to give a boring impression for the users. This is why it is advised that you must use pictures in it for making it interesting. Additionally, the use of pictures also allows you to optimize them from an SEO perspective as well. By adding alt-tag for the pictures, the search engine would know what the picture is about and you can get a better ranking.

There are a few websites that provide free images to the users. You can download the pictures and images relevant to your article and use them. Similarly, you can create your own images by using Photoshop, Illustrator, or Canva.

c. Use of keywords in headings and sub-headings:

The use of headings and sub-headings can improve the readability and thus improves SEO. Similarly, adding keywords in the main title and subheadings can tell the search engine about the topic and thus it can sense the things in a better way.

d. Update Meta description:

Meta description snippet would be available for you in WordPress, which you can add for the complete optimization of your website. However, in the case of BlogSpot, you’ll have to set the Meta description by changing the settings. By default, you won’t be able to view it. You need to go on settings, click on search preferences and you’ll be able to add the Meta tag of 150 characters there.

What should you include in the Meta description?

Your Meta description should intrigue the readers regarding the content on your blog. So, it must be interesting or catchy and can also have a “call to action” that would trigger the readers to open your search result. If you aren’t sure, what Meta description is then you’ll have to go to your search engine. Type any query. The results shown as a result would have the title, name of the website and two lines of the description as well. This two-liner description is known as Meta description.

You might not consider it necessary but searchers give these lines an overlook while choosing the relevant websites or blogs. You must add the keyword in these 150 characters so that your search engine would mark the content on your website as relevant. Similarly, the audience searching for a particular keyword would also be attracted to open your website or blog link, if your Meta description would contain the exact keyword.

11. Promote your blog:

As a new blogger, you’ll have to promote your blog so that you’ll be able to generate maximum benefit. The most prominent ways for the promotion of the blog include sharing it on social media. Additionally, email marketing can be the other free tool that you can utilize to get more and more readers to your blogs. This mode is also important for building a long-term relationship with your readers and bringing back the old readers to your blog again.

12. Monetize your blog:

After you have managed these basic things regarding SEO, you are in a better position to rank your website and get more traffic to it.

Why is traffic necessary?

Up till, now all the steps whether it has been theme selection, article writing or SEO, have been directed to increase the traffic towards the blog. But the question that might have come to your mind is why traffic is necessary? The reason is that traffic generation ion a website means visitors. The more the visitors would come to your website, the higher the chances would be that they’ll find some relevant advertisement and click on it. Clicking ads can actually earn you money. So without doing anything extra, your blog can help you in earning money.

13. Ways of earning money:

This method of earning money is not the only one. By using blogs, multiple models of earning money can be employed. We want you to earn through your blog as well. This is why we are discussing the widely used methods that can be used by bloggers for making money. 

a. Pay per click:

This model for earning money is the one that is most easy and can be employed at any time. Under this method, you’ll earn money whenever a visitor to your website will click the advertisement. You don’t have to worry about the advertisers in this mode of payment because you are going to link your website to AdSense, Info links or other platforms that play a middle role between the advertisers and the advertising space. These platforms set ads on the basis of the interest of each individual and pay you on per click basis for your space. To know more about PPC, you can read this article.

In order to get this mode of business running on your blog, you’ll need to get an account with the specific forum. You can start with Google AdSense it is one of the reliable forums and is a business of Google itself, so the chances of success are higher. After registering your website, you’ll get a code to integrate into your website and this is the key for getting the advertisements.

For WordPress, blog, you can request the monetization within one month of the launch of the website but for BlogSpot, there is a restriction of 6 months. Similarly, the other forums would have their own restrictions and you’ll have to go through them before choosing a specific one.

b. Choose your own advertisers:

If your website is big enough, you can also deal with the advertisers on your own. You’ll have to decide the rate per click and earn money. Here one important thing is that companies would only be dealing with you separately, if your audience is excessively high otherwise dealing through the intermediaries would be far better for them and would involve little hassle.

Similarly, if you aren’t getting an extraordinary rate, it would be better to deal with intermediaries, as there will be little trouble involved and no chances of occurrence of a dispute.

c. Affiliate marketing:

You can use your writing skills and traffic on the blog to be an affiliate marketer. Affiliate marketing is the technique through which you get a commission based on the products you sell. The choice of the products is yours’ and you can set the percentage of earning after negotiation.

There is some website available which provide you with affiliate products with the description of terms and conditions. You can search these websites and find the products, which are relevant to your niche and start selling them.

One of the best and easy options that you can utilize here is to go for Amazon affiliate marketing. You’ll have to find the product that would provide you with maximum benefits. Another thing that you should take care of is the niche in which you are writing. If you are writing on health and beauty, then selling a marketing book, would neither be possible nor be a feasible option.

So, it is better to start your search with the relevant product. Once you have chosen the relevant product category, then you should search for it on Amazon. On finding it, you can sign up for the affiliate program. This will give you access to a specific link that would help the merchant to track the sales that have been made through your reference. On every person who buys the product through your link, you get a commission.

How to convince others to buy the product?

You can use any way you like to convince the customers for purchasing the product. For example, you can write a complete article on the benefits of a particular product or the ways in which it can be used. This will influence the customers to buy the product. Similarly, writing an article on a regular topic, you can discuss the affiliate product as a solution at the end of the article. However, you should not be employing such techniques on a frequent basis as your readers would stop listening to you or would consider you a writer who works for his/ her own interest.

Another way to influence the visitors of your website is to set up the resource pages through which your visitors can have all the relevant information and access to the tutorials for usage etc. this will encourage the users to buy the product.

d. Allow Sponsored Content:

Sometimes the brands and companies require your audience to promote their product. So, you can just allow those companies to write an article regarding their product on your blog and you can get the payment through it. Such a scenario won’t come in the early part of your blog’s life. It would only be possible if you’ll have enough traffic on your blog that would be beneficial for the company.

e. Open an E-commerce store:

You can also use this traffic of your blog to create your own e-commerce store where the audience would buy products directly from you. One of the most difficult things in running the e-commerce store is to get the traffic but for you that would be already done through your blog. So, you can easily direct that traffic for selling products and earning through it.

You can use some of these methods to make money with blog together. But there are some of them, which might not work along with the others. For example, PPC can be used with all the other methods that we have discussed but affiliate marketing might have certain restrictions and you’ll have to follow them.

Dos and don’ts of blogging:

We have tried to cover each of the aspects of blogging in detail and hope that you would have benefited from it. Here are some dos and don’ts of blogging that you must keep in mind. For the generation of best results.

  1. Select your niche or blogging carefully.
  2. Give high importance to your passion and interests
  3. Try to focus on audience and the search engines would rank your blog automatically.
  4. Set a particular post frequency and try you follow it. Posting daily is recommended. However, other factors such as off-page SEO could also play an important role in deciding it.
  5. No matter how beautiful your blog looks, if it isn’t speed optimized, then search engines are not going to rank it.
  6. Make sure to use images and pictures in your blog. Free images can work for some time but it would be better if you’ll create your own identity and reputation by using your own copyright images.
  7. Learn SEO or higher an expert for it as it is going to help you in ranking your website and thus determining the earning potential.
  8. You can start with pre-hosted forums initially but in the long run starting your own blogging website is an idea that you should follow.
  9. Quality of content is what matters a lot.
  10. Experiment all the ways of earning before deciding the most profitable one.
  11. Try to include more than on ways for earning in the monetization phase


How to blog has been a question of many this is why we have written this article on it. Our aim was to provide you with all the details to set up your blog so that you can just follow us and set one up within no time. Additionally, we have focused on writing part more than anything else, as we believe content is an important factor in keeping your audience glued to you and at the same time it has an influential role in search engine optimization as well.

If you’ll follow these steps to how to blog and make money, you are definitely going to make a lot of dollars this year. But there is no fixed amount that we can propose, as it would depend on a lot of variable factors including the traffic on your blog, niche selected and the mode of earning. Thus, you’ll have to dive in and experiment it for yourself.

Still haven’t started your blog because you had some doubts? Feel free to share them; we might be in a position to help you. So, the comments section is all yours.